
 Click on a title to read more 

  • Independence too big a price for AUKUS fantasy

    And those who accept the reality of our loss of sovereign agency but actually applaud it as a price worth paying for our protection – such as Beazley, Dibb and Pezzullo – seem to have lost not only any sense of national pride, but of Australia’s national interest.

  • How can our democracy be strengthened?

    Australia and the world currently face enormous environmental, peace and human security challenges. Democracy is necessary for security within Australia and also in order to play a positive role for peace internationally. We must ensure that our humanity and system of governance are strong enough to face these challenges and that we do not fall…

  • Independent and Peaceful Australia Network Webinar “AUKUS and B-52s – Politics, Sovereignty and Security, Mon 16 Sept, 7-8.30 pm AEST

    Host: human rights lawyer, Kellie Tanter Speakers: the Hon Gareth Evans AC KC, Prof Richard Tanter and Dr Vince Scappatura. REGISTER HERE

  • Time for Australia to end support for nuclear weapons

    Dr Sue Wareham OAM. President of the Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia), and a former board member of ICAN Australia, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, 2 September, 2024. Introduction Nuclear weapons remain an existential threat to civilisation. Australia’s ongoing support for a role for these weapons in our “defence”, and our…

  • Indigenous solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises: A reflection on UNDRIP

    Indigenous Peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinctive spiritual relationship with their traditionally owned or otherwise occupied and used lands, territories, waters and coastal seas and other resources and to uphold their responsibilities to future generations in this regard.

  • Security Through Sustainable Peace: Australian International Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding

    There is a globalised imperative towards security through increasing efforts to prevent violent conflicts and support positive peace; and recognition that this is achieved through political rather than military means. It is well established that violent conflict is one of the most serious impediments to human, social and …

  • Climate disruption erodes Australian peace and security

    Climate disruption is the term used by scientists to communicate the magnitude and speed of the human-induced climate change now threatening the world.

  • Peace, Harmony and Security with Indigenous Australians

    As has been well articulated by some, our nation cannot be said to be whole, or complete until there is a genuine and respectful reconciliation, an honest and true ‘coming together’ in a spirit of healing, repair, and trust.

  • Australia’s education system is one of the most unequal in the OECD. But we know how to help fix it

    According to UNICEF, Australia ranks in the bottom third of OECD countries in providing equitable access to quality education. This means our education system – from access to early childhood education to expectations for study after school – does not allow every student to enjoy the same benefits that come from schooling. The students who…

  • Anglicare National Report 2024: Rental affordability snapshot

    Australians are facing a rental market that has never been less affordable. The 2024 Rental Affordability Snapshot surveyed rental listings across Australia and found that affordability has crashed to record lows. Out of 45,115 rental listings, we found that: In response to the findings, Anglicare Australia is calling on the Government to return to directly…

  • Long COVID cost the Australian economy almost $10 billion in 2022 – new research

    The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 10–20% of people suffer from long COVID after they recover from the initial COVID infection. Common symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath and “brain fog”, but more than 200 different symptoms have been linked to long COVID. The condition affects daily functioning and can be debilitating. Our research, published…

  • Towards Comprehensive National Security For Australia

    Public debate and discussion on critical security issues facing the Australian people is required urgently. Civil society needs to step-up to encourage and assist the Australian Government to prepare a comprehensive national security policy and an accompanying comprehensive national security strategy. Australia’s future depends on it. The Australian Peace and Security Forum (APSF) has been…

  • Promoting Accountable Government

    Whistleblowing is one of the most effective ways to detect and prevent corruption and other malpractice. Whistleblowers’ disclosures have exposed wrongdoing and fraud, helped save millions in public funds, avoid disasters for health, the environment. Whistleblower’s important role in safe guarding the public good is repeatedly proved by the scandals they uncover, such as industry-scale…

  • Passage of landmark healthy environment bill sets standard for Australia and abroad

    The ACT Parliament’s passage of legislation enshrining the right to a healthy environment is a watershed moment in human rights and environmental law in Australia, according to the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) and the Human Rights Law Centre. “This is a momentous day for all those advocating for a right to a healthy environment in…

  • Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet

    The planetary boundary (PB) concept, introduced in 2009, aimed to define the environmental limits within which humanity can safely operate. This approach has proved influential in global sustainability policy development. Steffen et al. provide an updated and extended analysis of the PB framework. Of the original nine proposed boundaries, they identify three (including climate change)…