Crossing Davies Creek, end of Turtle Rock Walk, Dinden NP

The next APSF webinar for 2025 will be on Tuesday 18th March at 6pm AEDT : ‘Constructive engagement with China’.

The video from the 11 February 2025 Webinar, ‘Will AUKUS make us safer’ is here.

The video from the 3rd December webinar, “Water:essential for life and our security” is here.

The video of the APSF webinar on Human Security (on 29 October 2024) is available here.

The videos from the webinar of the Launch of the APSF on 24 September 2024 are here.

Recent posts

Webinar talk by Major Gen Mike Smith (ret’d), ‘Will AUKUS make us safer? In a word: “NO” ‘ 11 February 2025

Greetings from Ngunnawal country in Canberra. I add my respects to the traditional custodians of our lands, seas and waterways. I must say that the latest statistics on ‘closing-the-gap’ are shameful. Our nation will not be complete unless and until we build this bridge. So, will AUKUS make us safer? In a word: “NO” – […]

Climate and security risks? Shhh, says the Albanese Government

The Los Angeles fires have again demonstrated the need for a steely-eyed approach by governments to climate risks, ensuring that the assessment of those risks is up-to-date, considers the plausible worst-case scenarios, and is made widely available so the public understands what we are facing. But the Australian Government’s work-in-progress National Climate Risk Assessment appears […]

Climate change and national security

Podcast with Dr Albert Palazzo, Adjunct Prof University of NSW, Former Director, War Studies, Army Research Centre, 6 December 2024 “Our failure to put in any meaningful policies to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions to rapidly reduce them to zero, basically dooms humanity to a very tough ride in the coming decades…We have now […]

Time to talk peace: War memorial must think of kids

Tens of thousands of school students visit the Australian War Memorial every year – more than 95,000 in 2022-23 alone. For students in Years 4-12, a visit to the Memorial is mandatory for the school to receive federal funding for a visit to Canberra. The Memorial therefore plays a role in shaping what young Australians […]

The real meaning of security

 José Ramos-Horta – Published in The Saturday Paper, October 19 – 25, 2024 Language is a truly fascinating phenomenon – it is fluid and constantly evolving. We are barely aware that, as we are shaping its evolution, language is shaping us – individually and collectively. This is what makes it such a potent political tool. Language can be […]

The Fraying of the Australian Social Contract – Dr Albert Palazzo

The Australian nation faces a convergence of events that risk the security and prosperity of its people. Some of these are well known and receive considerable attention from the government and the media, such as the consequences of China’s emergence as a great power. Others are equally well known but receive minimal attention and resources […]

Independence too big a price for AUKUS fantasy

And those who accept the reality of our loss of sovereign agency but actually applaud it as a price worth paying for our protection – such as Beazley, Dibb and Pezzullo – seem to have lost not only any sense of national pride, but of Australia’s national interest.

A plea for peace in the Middle East — Louise Adler and Nasser Mashni. ABC Radio National Big Ideas

Wed 16 Oct 2024 at 6:00pm – Link here Two Australians who are intimately connected to the conflict in the Middle East, one Jewish, one Palestinian, make their pleas for peace, and share their deeply personal stories of how it has affected them. The 13th annual UN International Day of Peace Brisbane lecture was recorded […]

In your backyard – from Rajneesh to Reedley, implications of illegal biolabs, by Raina Macintyre

Pandemics may arise from nature, and we are currently concerned about unprecedented spread of H5N1 avian influenza, with hot spots in Europe and the Americas. In the United States, widespread epidemics in dairy farms have affected the commercial milk supply. If the virus mutates to be easily transmitted between humans, a pandemic may arise. The […]

Climate disruption erodes Australian peace and security

Climate disruption is the term used by scientists to communicate the magnitude and speed of the human-induced climate change now threatening the world.

Peace, Harmony and Security with Indigenous Australians

As has been well articulated by some, our nation cannot be said to be whole, or complete until there is a genuine and respectful reconciliation, an honest and true ‘coming together’ in a spirit of healing, repair, and trust.

The era of privatisation is nearly over. But cleaning up the mess left behind will take years.

The failure of the National Electricity Market, premised on the idea of competition between private companies, has led state and federal governments to re-enter the business of electricity generation, storage and transmission. The disastrous experiment with private prisons in NSW is being unwound.

Buck-passing inside the murky arms trade

‘It is almost literally true that Australia cannot go to war without the consent and support of the US.’ This statement, made in 2001, is key to understanding the deceit and denials by the Albanese government regarding weapons exports bound for Israel.

AUKUS: The Singapore Strategy Redux

Perhaps the Virginia-class submarines will arrive as planned, perhaps they will not. The only certainty is that it will not be Australia’s decision.