The United States and China are contesting for great power supremacy. Australia has for many years, depended on the United States for security; and on China for our economic prosperity, with China accounting for a third of all our exports. How should Australia best navigate this challenge? In recent years there are some who suggest that China is our greatest military threat. Our current Defence Strategy amplifies this, most obviously through the acquisition of AUKUS nuclear powered submarines and long range missiles.
This webinar features two speakers, and is introduced by Annette Brownlie, Vice-President of the United Nations Association of Australia Qld (UNAAQ) and national Chair of the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN)
Sam Roggeveen, Director of the International Security Program at the Lowy Institute, is author of the much acclaimed book “The Echidna Strategy”, and will share his assessment of China’s and Australia’s search for peace and security in our region.
Dr Jocelyn Chey, inaugural Executive Director of the Australia-China Council, former senior diplomat at the Australian Embassy in Beijing, and now Adjunct Professor at the Institute for Chinese Arts and Culture at the University of Western Sydney will offer her approach for Australia to live in peace and security with China.